Invested into the local community
Grants awarded since inception
Supporting Jersey’s sport, culture and community, one opportunity at a time
The One Foundation is a charitable organisation which was founded in 2011, to benefit sport, culture and community projects in Jersey (Channel Islands).
The Foundation provides professional support and financial assistance to ensure talented individuals and sports teams, as well as non-profit making organisations and community-based projects are able to achieve or realise their full potential.
Since inception, the Foundation has overseen investment of over £4.8m across 540 grants.
All overheads are met by a private source, which ensures that all funding from investors goes directly to supporting the local community. Potential investors are offered a bespoke service to create a unique portfolio of projects to support. Whether they have an interest in a specific area or require guidance or suggestions on where to invest their funds, the Foundation will help.
As a not-for-profit organisation, the One Foundation benefits from the lump sum donation scheme run by the Government of Jersey which provides an additional 25p per £1 donated. This ensures all individual investments have even more impact on the One Foundation’s available funding to support as many projects across the island as possible.
Supported by:
Our Mission
The overall objective of the One Foundation is to benefit charities and charitable purposes, in order to advance amateur sport and enhance Jersey’s culture and local community projects. The One Foundation provides professional support and financial assistance to ensure individuals, teams, non-profit making organisations and community-based projects are all able to achieve their full potential.
To raise additional funding that would not otherwise go into the charitable system including clubs, associations and non-profit making organisations. This assists in raising the profile and awareness of ‘giving’ in the Island.
Provide an efficient and professionally operated vehicle to primarily assist individuals to make donations in the area of Sport, Culture and Community.
Assist in providing a funding platform for Jersey’s ‘stars’ of the future. It provides a real opportunity for turning aspiration into reality.
Those that receive support must demonstrate a plan to contribute or “give back” in some way to the island community.